As independent Loss Adjusters we acknowledge, respect and value the trust that you place in us when we handle claims on your behalf.
Honesty, integrity, accuracy and service excellence are the keystones of our ethos.
We have over 20 years of experience in providing this service to the Caravan and Leisure Home Insurance Industry. In that time we have established a wealth of knowledge and a trusted network of engineers and salvage agents throughout the UK, Ireland and Europe to ensure that we provide a prompt, professional and personal service in a way that is cost effective for your business and seamless to your customers.
We make it our business to understand the detail of your Policies and ensure that they are applied fairly and consistently and always under your direction where appropriate.
Above all we understand that we become guardians of your reputation at a time of stress for your customers. We are committed to handling that responsibility and your claims with care.
To discuss your requirements and find out more about how we could work together please call and ask to speak to Robert or Mick.
If you are a policyholder and have a current claim being handled by us we have created a page of Frequently Asked Questions to help explain our role.